Introducing the Winston, The grandest and most luxurious home plan we offer. The Winston was designed to capture every wish list item imaginable; grand open stair case, study on the main level, expansive kitchen with standard hidden pantry, 18’ open ceilings in the great room large enough to host any party, owner’s suite on the main secluded from the rest of the home with a walk-in closet to showcase that lavish boot collection, and 4 large bedrooms upstairs with 2 full baths and loft space. Can’t forget to mention the standard 10’ tall 3rd car garage door to fit that truck or SUV with ease.
Square Feet
6,846 Total; 4,311 Finished
Garage Size
3 Car
About Henry Walker Homes
They Say No, We Say Yes
Henry Walker Homes prides itself in working hand-in-hand with our clients as we work to build your new home in Utah. Combine our expertise with your design style and desires, to personalize the home you’ve always wanted. Whether you choose a quick move in or choose to start with one of our plans, we’ve got you covered.